Supporting Paraprofessionals
Paraprofessionals play an invaluable role in Ohio’s schools. They support students with disabilities and act as instructional support to classroom teachers. These resources and best practices are meant to support those entering the paraprofessional field, as well as schools and districts seeking supports for paraprofessionals.
Kristy Adams, an educational aide at Wickliffe City Schools is one of Ohio’s two 2021–22 RISE award finalists. In addition to her exceptional classroom practices, Kristy is a known leader in her school community. From creating a course for students to discuss social issues to assistant coaching the girls soccer team, she has had a lasting impact on her students. Kristy is an excellent example of how Ohio’s educational aides’ dedication to students expands outside of the classroom, with many acting as school and community leaders.
You can read more about Kristy’s leadership on OAPSE’s website, and more about the RISE award on the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce’s website.
Supports for Paraprofessionals
These resources and best practices are meant to support those entering the paraprofessional field and:
Inform them about pursuing licensure
Aid in understanding of the special education process
Offer classroom management, behavioral, and instructional supports.
District and School Supports
These resources help districts and schools as they consider more ways to help students and:
Utilize paraprofessionals as key instructional staff
Include paraprofessionals on instructional teams
Understand the role paraprofessionals can play in supporting student achievement.