Lessons from the Field
Districts across Ohio are implementing innovative strategies to find, grow, and keep excellent staff. These strategies feed into a larger, comprehensive human capital management system that will help the district deliver on its vision for all students.
If you have a story you’d like to share, please contact hcrc@education.ohio.gov.
Hilliard City Schools
Hilliard City Schools is taking action to grow its own educator workforce by nurturing pathways to the education profession for students as well as current employees. Take a look at Hilliard’s success in bringing more educators to their schools in short and long term.
Key Areas: Grow Your Own; Workforce; Recruitment; Retention
London City Schools
London City Schools initiated a process of asking their employees what mattered most, and then leaning into that for communicating with new and existing employees. By taking a wholistic approach to Total Rewards, they discovered that benefits beyond money matter for their employees. Take a look at London’s success story that plays up what matters most for employees.
Key Areas: Total Rewards; Onboarding; Recruitment; Retention
Milford Exempted Village Schools
A district team from Milford engaged in a year-long human capital cohort experience where Employee Engagement was a focus in terms of its impact on organizational outcomes, ways to measure engagement and utilize the results, and strategies to foster highly engaged employees. It was at that point where the Milford team decided to ramp up their efforts. Hear from district leaders and learn more about their solutions.
Key Areas: Employee Engagement; Grow & Support; Staff Recognition; Employee Wellness
Anthony Wayne Local Schools
Historically, Anthony Wayne Local Schools (AWLS) was able to rely on reputation alone to attract many applicants across all positions. Like many districts, they began seeing a decrease in applicants and needed a focused approach to recruit and retain staff. Hear from district leaders and learn more about their solutions.
Key Areas: Comprehensive Human Capital Management System; HCMS Alignment to District Vision; Partnerships for Recruitment; Retention
Washington Local Schools
As a result of retention and recruitment data, Washington Local Schools launched its New Staff Academy – a year-long experience for all new staff, including both certified and classified/support staff positions. This new onboarding approach complements other key strategies at WLS to grow and retain staff. Hear from district leaders and more about their solutions.
Key Areas: Onboarding - Certified & Classified Staff; Employee Wellness; HCMS Alignment to Strategic Plan